merXu Protected Payments
Biztosítsa a fizetését a szállításig.

Teltonika TeltoCharge töltőállomás 7.4kW, 1x32A, TÍPUS 2 aljzat

Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Ajánlott merXu
merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Biztosítsa a fizetését a szállításig. Ingyenesen.
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Gyártói kód
EAN kód

Why choose a TeltoCharge charging station?

About the manufacturer:

Teltonika Energy is a global company dedicated to providing the best electric vehicle charging solutions to consumers around the world, ensuring efficient and sustainable transportation for drivers.

About the product:

TeltoCharge, a premium, easy-to-use electric vehicle (EV) charging solution with a wide variety of configuration options, will transform your charging experience. We present to you a product with an exclusive design that combines functionality, high quality and smart charging technologies for electric cars. TeltoCharge, a uniquely designed product of the Lithuanian manufacturer Teltonika, is a simple, smart and reliable electric car charger that customers can customize according to their needs and preferences. The electric car charging station is compatible with every electric car and plug-in hybrid. The operation of the charging station, charging and energy consumption statistics You will always have access to your smartphone, using the integrated RJ45, Bluetooth, Wifi or GSM (optional) connections in the charging station.

Smart charging experience

Download the Teltonika Energy App to unlock all of TeltoCharge's smart features via your smartphone or tablet device:

  • Schedule EV charging when energy is cheapest

  • Monitor EV charger status and view statistics in real-time

  • Adjust the charging current according to your needs

  • Lock the charger to prevent unwanted use

  • Set up dynamic load balancing with a smart energy meter so your EV charger automatically adapts to your home's electricity usage


  • Single-phase 7.4 kW / 32 A

  • Type 2 socket

  • Integrated dynamic power management

  • Management and monitoring via the Teltonika Energy smart app

  • NFC reader

  • Ethernet RJ45 / Bluetooth / Wifi

  • GSM 4G/LTE, 3G, 2G (Optional)

  • Integrated B-type current drain relay (30mA AC / 6mA DC)

  • Possibility of connecting an energy metering device

  • Operating temperature from -30°C to +50°C

  • Resistance classes IP55, IK10, UL94

  • OCPP1.6 protocol

  • Input voltage monitoring

  • Output voltage and current monitoring

  • Temperature monitoring

  • Warranty 36 months.

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