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TCL TCL-MI575DH182-72NT Ezüst keret

Gyártói kód
A panel hatékonysága
25 %
32 kg
Cellák száma
Maximális teljesítmény (Pmax)
575 W
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Alternatív fizetési módok:
Gyártói kód
A panel hatékonysága
25 %
32 kg
Cellák száma
Maximális teljesítmény (Pmax)
575 W
Keret színe

The TCL TCL-MI575DH182-72NT photovoltaic panel with a power of 575W is a modern, efficient solar module, designed with high energy efficiency and durability in mind.

Here are its key features:


Power and Efficiency:


  • Power Output : 575W, which makes it one of the most powerful panels on the market, ideal for commercial applications and large installations.

  • Bifacial Technology : By absorbing light from both sides, the panel can generate up to 30% more energy, especially when installed on bright, reflective surfaces.


Advanced Technology:


  • N-type TOPCon cells : Provide higher energy conversion efficiency, better resistance to degradation and higher reliability compared to traditional P-type cells.

  • MBB (multi-busbar) and half-cut technology : Increases energy density, improving the panel's efficiency and its resistance to mechanical damage and temperature.


Resistance and Durability:


  • High mechanical resistance : The panels have passed wind load (up to 2400 Pa) and snow load (up to 5400 Pa) resistance tests, which makes them resistant to extreme weather conditions.

  • Corrosion resistance : TUV certificates confirm the panels' resistance to salt and ammonia, which is crucial in coastal and agricultural areas.


Low Power Degradation:


  • First Year Power Degradation : below 1%.

  • Annual degradation after first year : only 0,40%, which ensures long-lasting panel performance and better parameters after many years of use.


Better Low Light Performance:


  • TCL TCL-MI575DH182-72NT panels are optimized for low sunlight conditions such as cloudy or foggy days, meaning they generate more power in difficult lighting conditions compared to standard panels.


Protection against the PID effect:


  • The panel is equipped with advanced technology to protect against the PID effect (potential induced degradation), which additionally increases its durability and reliability over a long period of use.


Certificates and Guarantees:


  • Certificates : IEC 61215, IEC 61730 and ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 standards confirm the quality, environmental management and safety of the panels.

  • Product warranty : 15 years.

  • Linear performance warranty : 30 years.

The TCL TCL-MI575DH182-72NT 575W solar panel is an efficient and durable photovoltaic solution that ensures long-term energy production with minimal power degradation.Its advanced technology, high power and resistance to harsh conditions make it the ideal choice for large commercial and industrial installations

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