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Suntech fotovoltaikus panel 440 STP440S - C54/Nshkm+ BF

Suntech fotovoltaikus panel 440 STP440S - C54/Nshkm+ BF

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Gyártói kód
Suntech Power has been actively operating in the global photovoltaic market for 2001 of the year.The company has offices and manufacturing plants in various countries and the distribution of their photovoltaic panels has reached over 100 countries.Suntech technologically advanced solar modules combine the features of reliability and affordability.The 440 W Black Frame photovoltaic panel from Suntech is a guarantee of effectiveness confirmed by numerous certificates.The company is committed to the development of research and development works in the direction of ecology and environmental protection and strives to ensure that their photovoltaic modules are manufactured in harmony with nature.The most important features of the Suntech STP440S-C54/Nshkm+ solar panel: Module efficiency up to 22,9% High power generation even on less sunny days Warranty: efficiency 30 years, product 15 years Very high resistance to extreme climatic conditions Double glass construction that effectively reduces the speed of module breakage

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