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Sungrow Logger4000

Sungrow Logger4000

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The Sungrow Logger4000 is a powerful and versatile data acquisition device designed specifically for Sungrow inverters. This innovative logger offers comprehensive monitoring capabilities, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency of your solar power system.

  • Compatible with Sungrow inverters for seamless integration
  • Collects data from multiple network ports (ETH1, ETH2, ETH5)
  • Robust data storage capacity for long-term analysis
  • User-friendly web-based monitoring interface
  • Supports both "System" and "Monitoring" views for in-depth insights
  • Versatile communication protocols: Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, and IEC104
  • Enhanced safety features, including high voltage warnings
  • Easy installation and maintenance procedures
  • Upgradable firmware for future-proof functionality

The Sungrow Logger4000 stands out as an essential tool for solar energy professionals and enthusiasts alike. Its advanced features and user-friendly design make it an invaluable asset for optimizing solar power system performance. By providing real-time data acquisition and comprehensive monitoring capabilities, the Logger4000 empowers users to make informed decisions and maximize their system's efficiency. Whether you're managing a small residential installation or a large-scale commercial project, this logger offers the flexibility and reliability needed to ensure your solar investment delivers optimal returns.

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