RXM4AB2P7 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

RXM4AB2P7 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Schneider Electric part number RXM4AB2P7. RXM miniature relays are part of Harmony Electromechanical Relays. This is a plug in relay to be mounted on a RXZE socket. It is a 4 C/O relay with current rating of 6A, control circuit voltage of 230 V AC 50/60 Hz. It also offers one-step loackable test button and mechanical indicator for contact status. The testbutton is activated momentarily by pushing the red pushbutton on the front and locked by flipping up the green part. The mechanical indicator is next to the testbutton, where an orange flag indicates the relay contact status. A green LED on the front will illuminate when the relay is on. Status display with LED: clearly signal both in the day and night. Its design is fit for industrial machines, packaging, textile, HVAC, automation control panels, low/medium voltage switchgear, motor controls, PLC Interfaces, power supplies, building or medical equipment, lighting controls. It is a green premium product and conforms to international standard and certifications like IEC, CE, UL, CSA, EAC, Lloyd's, RoHS and REACH. RXM Relay should be used with a RXZE socket (screw clamp, screw connector, push-in terminal). To protect against vibrations, plastic/metal clamp can be added to the socket. Protection modules and marking legend are also available. It is sold in lots of 10 and reference includes relay only. The RXM plug-in relays are a series of industrial plug-in relays designed for both simple and complex automation systems and available with 2 CO (12A), 3 CO (10A), 4 CO (6A) contacts, 4 CO (3A) low level contacts.

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