RM35S0MW Schneider Electric - Használt

RM35S0MW Schneider Electric - Használt

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
Schneider Electric part number RM35S0MW. This Harmony RM35-S control relay allows monitoring of speed control. This modular control relay is ideal for monitoring of electrical values and speed variation in industrial and building control panels. It applies to a wide type of industrial automation applications such as hoisting, packaging, lifts, textile, water. It has one of market medium form-factors with 35mm width, allowing for a flexible and easy installation on DIN rail, using the same space as any modular 3-pole DIN device. It also offers a selectable memory function, integral LED for indicating control status, sealable cover, with simple and precise settings with screw trimmers. It provides automatic shutdown management and fault information to user for a quick fault identification and troubleshooting. Multi function controller for wide choice selected in hard-wired logic automated systems, ideal for refurbishment of old installations without using a PLC. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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