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Napelem modul OmnisPower Nordika OP580M72-NT5-BF S Bifacial

Napelem modul OmnisPower Nordika OP580M72-NT5-BF S Bifacial

Omnis Power
Gyártói kód
OP580M72-NT5-BF S
34 901,96 Ft +ÁFA
89,00 EUR
1 db
34 901,96 Ft +ÁFA
89,00 EUR
1 ×
89,00 EUR +ÁFA
(1 db)
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Gyártói kód
OP580M72-NT5-BF S

Omnispower Nordika NT5 N-Type Bifacial Silver Frame

  • Bifacial technology enables additional energy harvesting from rear side (up to 30%)
  • 30 years lifespan brings 0-30% additional power generation comparing with conventional P-type module
  • N-type solar cell has no LID naturally which can increase power generation
  • Excellent low irradiance performance
  • Better light trapping and current collection to improve module power output and reliability
  • Industry leading lowest thermal co-efficient of power
  • Optimized electrical design and lower operating current for reduced hot spot loss and better temperature coefficient
  • 100% triple EL test enabling remarkable reduction of hidden crack rate of modules

  • Product type: Solar module
  • Manufacturer: OmnisPower
  • Model: OP580M72-NT5-BF S
  • Module type: Bifacial
  • Cell type: N-type Monocrystalline
  • Output power (kW): 0.58
  • Open circuit voltage (V): 51.19
  • Short circuit current (A): 14.06
  • Max power voltage (V): 43.52
  • Max power current (A): 13.33
  • Max system voltage (V): 1500 (IEC)
  • Performance warranty (years): 30
  • Warranty (years): 30
  • Item size LxWxH (mm): 2278 x 1134 x 30
  • Item weight (kg): 32.3

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