METSEPM5560 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

METSEPM5560 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Schneider Electric
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EAN kód
Schneider Electric part number METSEPM5560. This device is a flush-mount energy meter with a 96mm by 96mm backlit LCD display. The meter provides Class 0.2S accuracy per IEC 62053-22 standard and 128 samples per cycle. The meter will measure Energy, Active and Reactive Power, Voltage, Current, Frequency, Power Factor and up to the 63rd Harmonic. Include 1.1 MegaBytes of memory for up to 14 selectable parameters with configurable interval and duration. This meter also feature the direct monitoring of neutral current. The meter will function in a 50Hz or 60Hz network and accepts supply voltage ranging from 100 to 480 VAC and 125 to 250 VDC. Line rated current for this meter is 1A or 5A input and will support Single Phase and Neutral, Three Phase, or Three Phase and Neutral configurations. The range of measurement voltage between Phases is 20 to 690 VAC at 45 to 65 Hz. Measurement range between Phase and Neutral is 20 to 400VAC at 45 to 65 Hz. Communication protocol are Modbus RTU and ASCII 2 wires with RS485 port support plus Modbus TCP/IP, Ethernet/IP and BACnet/IP based on 10/100 Mbit/s, daisy chain Ethernet with RJ45 port support. The embedded communication capabilities allow the support of the DNP 3.0 protocol, the access to an onboard web server and a Serial to Ethernet gateway. The meter also has four digital inputs with WAGES support and two digital outputs. There are 52 configurable alarms and it supports eight tariff schedules. Product dimensions are as follows: width 3.78 inches (96 millimetres), depth 3.03 inches (77 millimetres), height 3.78 inches (96 millimetres) and product weight 15.9 onces (450 g).

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