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Kábel rámpa 1 csatorna 6x5cm kábelvédelem NK-34

Kábel rámpa 1 csatorna 6x5cm kábelvédelem NK-34

Gyártói kód
EAN kód
19 193,33 Ft +ÁFA
210,57 PLN
1 db
19 193,33 Ft +ÁFA
210,57 PLN
1 ×
210,57 PLN +ÁFA
(1 db)
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EAN kód
One-channel large cable ramp NK-34 meets all the requirements needed for professional protection of cables and wires.It protects against both motor vehicles and pedestrian traffic.It is characterized by high resistance to mechanical damage, because the load capacity of the threshold is as much as 30 tons, so it will easily protect the cables even from larger cars.The ramp is also resistant to petrol, oils and acids, which confirms its durability.The use of a wide cable channel 6x5cm allows pipes and hoses to be routed over long distances.The cable threshold is made of anti-slip rubber with a special texture in yellow and black, improving visibility, the lack of metal elements eliminates the risk of corrosion.Further modules can be easily connected over long distances.The cable threshold is highly effective in situations where there is a need to precisely protect, organize and hide electrical wires, pipes and hoses.Due to the extraordinary resistance of the cable ramp 1 canal NK-34, it can be used both in industrial halls and at mass events.It will be applicable in any situation.Properties:długość: 100+/-1 cm width:34 cm height:8 cm number of cable channels:1 cable channel width:6x5 cm maximum outer diameter of cables: up to 5 cm weight:16,6 kg load capacity: approx 30 tons per axle operating temperature:-30°C down +60°C the possibility of combining several ramps a hand hole for easy carrying Application: industrial halls, factories, marketplaces, workshops, warehouses, shopping centers, department stores, etc.Direct distributor We are a direct distributor of cable ramps.The products are in our warehouse in Poland in large quantities, thanks to which we can offer a competitive price and immediate delivery time.

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