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Immergas hőszivattyú 6kW monoblokk Magis M6 1-faz

Immergas hőszivattyú 6kW monoblokk Magis M6 1-faz

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  • The Magis M series is a monoblock air-water heat pump with a hermetically closed refrigeration system.A comprehensive solution for space heating and cooling, as well as hot water preparation.
  • The highest energy efficiency class: A+++ for supply temperature 35deg;C, A++ for supply temperature 55deg;C (increased financing in the Clean Powietrze#8221;). program
  • High COP under A7/W35 conditions at 5,15.
  • Maximum installation supply temperature up to 65deg;C.
  • Heat pump operation up to outdoor temperature even -25deg;C.
  • Power modulation from 30 to 100% ensures that the heat pump's power is adjusted to the current needs of the building, thanks to the compressor made in Twin Rotary DC Inverter technology.
  • Stable system operation with the lowest possible operating costs.
  • Automation adapted to control 2 heating zones, including one with a mixer.This solution guarantees comfort and effective energy management.
  • Ability to operate in heating or cooling mode based on weather conditions.
  • High heating efficiency of the device at extremely low outside air temperatures. #8226; Quiet operation of the device - Magis M is one of the quietest pumps on the market.
  • Cooperation with a PV installation translates into measurable financial benefits.
  • Driver as standard – control of device parameters in real time.
  • Eco-friendly refrigerant with reduced environmental impact: R32 (GWP=675, ODP=0), ensuring high efficiency at low outdoor temperatures.
  • Complete hydraulic module for operation in central heating mode: plate heat exchanger, circulation pump, expansion vessel, safety valve, vent valve, flow sensor - as standard)
  • Possibility of extending the period warranty up to 5 years.

For this pump, we recommend a buffer tank with a capacity of 60L or larger 200L, e.g.BIAWAR or GALMET.

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