Huawei SmartLogger3000A01EU, Kommunikáció a számára 80 legfeljebb eszközöket

Huawei SmartLogger3000A01EU, Kommunikáció a számára 80 legfeljebb eszközöket

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The Huawei Smart Logger 3000A01EU allows the management of a maximum of 80 devices. Installation and operation of the Smart logger for solar systems is very simple. There are different options possible for the integration of the Huawei Smart Logger 3000A01EU. The device supports communication via RS485, as well as via Ethernet and 4G. With an integrated web server the smart logger is an essential part of an intelligent photovoltaic system.
On-site installation is simple and safe. It can be done either through the Huawei Solar Fusion application (via Wi-Fi) or through a notebook. Immediately after configuration, users have access to numerous intelligent control options to increase efficiency and use electricity intelligently. The LED display on case shows the current status. The device is protected against the weather and environmental influences according to IP20. It can be operated within -40 °C to +60 °C.
The dimensions are 225 x 160 x 44 mm. The whole device weighs 2 kg. Most of the installation accessories are included in the delivery package, for example the 4G antenna and the power adapter. Typical power consumption is 8 W but it can increase up to maximum 15W.

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