Huawei Inverter, maximális 44.0KVA AC kimenet

Huawei Inverter, maximális 44.0KVA AC kimenet

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The Huawei SUN2000-40KTL-M3 is a powerful inverter that performs an indispensable task in the PV system: It converts the direct current into alternating current. The Huawei SUN2000-40KTL-M3 has 4 independent MPP trackers and 8 DC connections. Behind the dimensions of 640 x 530x 270 mm, the Huawei SUN2000-40KTL-M3 inverter offers a lot of state-of-the-art technical finesse. The weight is 43 kg - including the mounting plate. As with all Huawei Solar products, installation is simple and commissioning can be completed in just a few minutes using the app. RS485 communication is provided for data exchange with the Smart Logger and Smart Power Meter.

A big advantage of the Huawei SUN2000-40KTL-M3 is the factory-supplied overvoltage protection (type 2 for AC and DC) as well as four independent MPP trackers are innovative details. In addition, the module operates pleasantly quietly, because the cooling takes place without a fan by natural convection. The maximum power of the Huawei SUN2000-40KTL-M3 inverter is 44,000 watts. The MPPT operating voltage range is from 200 V to 1,000 volts. With a maximum efficiency of 98.7 percent and a European efficiency of 98.4 percent, the device achieves tremendous efficiency.
The weight of Huawei SUN2000-36KTL-M3 is 43 kg - including the mounting plate.

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