Huawei Inverter, maximális 13.2KVA AC kimenet

Huawei Inverter, maximális 13.2KVA AC kimenet

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The Huawei SUN2000-12KTL-M2 inverter in the high current version converts the direct current of the solar modules into standard household alternating current. This makes it an indispensable component - with its high efficiency, it ensures optimal efficiency of the entire system. The dimensions of the Huawei SUN2000-12KTL-M2 inverter in the high current version are 525 x 470 x 262 mm, which makes the device convincing with its compact design. At 25 kg, the weight is also pleasantly low for a component of this type - installation can be carried out by two people or even alone. Integration is effortless with the plug-in connections. The component has RS485 communication for data exchange with the Smart Power Meter. Commissioning is greatly simplified by the Huawei FusionSolar app, so that it is successfully completed after a few minutes.

The advantages of the Huawei SUN2000-12KTL-M2 inverter in the High Current version are many. The inverter is also equipped with overvoltage protection (type 2 for AC and DC) and two independent MPP trackers. The pleasantly quiet operating noise is also positive: natural convection is sufficient for cooling. The Huawei SUN2000-12KTL-M2 inverter in the high current version has a rated power of 12,000 watts, the voltage range extends from 160 to 950 volts. The maximum efficiency of 98.5 % is very high, which enables extremely efficient operation of the entire system. The European efficiency rating is 98 %.
The weight of Huawei SUN2000-12KTL-M2 is 25 kg.

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