Huawei egyfázisú hibrid inverter SUN2000-5KTL-L1, WLAN, 4G, 5 kW, akkumulátor

Huawei egyfázisú hibrid inverter SUN2000-5KTL-L1, WLAN, 4G, 5 kW, akkumulátor

Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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194 455,94 Ft
470,00 EUR
233 760,86 Ft
565,00 EUR
247 885,81 Ft
599,14 EUR
249 586,26 Ft
603,25 EUR
249 950,35 Ft
604,13 EUR
250 893,67 Ft
606,41 EUR
254 679,35 Ft
615,56 EUR
256 516,34 Ft
620,00 EUR
264 791,06 Ft
640,00 EUR
Huawei SUN2000-5KTL-L1
266 273,33 Ft
2753,00 PLN
275 655,29 Ft
2850,00 PLN
286 371,84 Ft
17 386,78 CZK
289 438,05 Ft
2992,50 PLN
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
The Huawei SUN-2000-5KTL-L1 inverter makes electricity from your own PV system usable. The component converts direct current into alternating current and thanks to the high efficiency, users benefit from increased efficiency. The Huawei SUN-2000-5KTL-L1 inverter has a battery connection and supports RS485 communication for connection to a smart power meter or similar. The connection of a battery can be made either directly during the initial installation or subsequently, thanks to connection via Plug&Play, the effort is extremely low. In any case, integration into the system via the plug connections is extremely simple. With the help of the app, commissioning is no problem within a few minutes. The advantages of the Huawei SUN-2000-5KTL-L1 inverter are manifold and extend not only to the battery connection, likewise an overvoltage protection (type 2 for AC and DC) is already integrated. In addition, the component has two independent MPP trackers, the operating noise is pleasantly quiet thanks to convective air cooling. The nominal power of the Huawei SUN-2000-5KTL-L1 inverter is specified at 5,000 watts, the voltage range extends from 90 to 560 volts. In operation, the inverter reaches a maximum efficiency of 98.4%, making it suitable for efficient system operation. The European efficiency is 97.8 %.

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