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Háromfázisú Solax készlet 6kW

Solax Power
Háromfázisú Solax készlet 6kW
Háromfázisú Solax készlet 6kW
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merXu Protected Payments
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Solax Power
Háromfázisú Solax készlet 6kW
Háromfázisú Solax készlet 6kW

The X3-HYBRID-G4 hybrid inverter and the T58 SolaX batteries form the ideal duo for three-phase residential and industrial installations.The wide variety of powers offered by the inverter, ranging from 5,0 kW to 15 kW, allow these devices to be adapted to the needs of any installation.Likewise, the storage capacity of 11,6 kWh offered by the T58 batteries allows the residence to be protected against power outages, variations in the price of energy and also gives the user complete control over their energy.This installation also has the capacity to operate isolated from the grid, being suitable for buildings far from the electrical grid, with frequent power outages, small irrigation facilities or operation in parallel with a generating set.Other notable capabilities of these teams include:


·        150 % PV power oversizing capacity

·        2 MPPT of 1 string for models up to 6,0 kW, 1 MPPT of 2 strings and 1 MPPT of 1 string for models above % p14/% kW

·        LiFePO4 batteries with long life, more than 6000 charge and discharge cycles

·        Possibility of master-slave connection of up to 6 inverters without the need for additional equipment

·        Remote monitoring, control and configuration capability through the SolaX Cloud application

·        Equipment certified for all European regulations

·        Possibility of expanding the storage capacity up to 23,2 kWh without the need for additional devices

·        Inverter with protection grade IP65, so they are equipment that allows installation outdoors

LM8 is a wholesale distribution company of photovoltaic solar material.With extensive experience in the sector, we specialize in the sale of solar panels, inverters, batteries and structures from the best brands.In addition, we have a technical team with great knowledge of the product that can help you with any questions, assist in the start-up of the equipment and solve any problem that may arise in your installation.

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