merXu Protected Payments
Biztosítsa a fizetését a szállításig.
Gumikonzolok, rezgéscsillapító, hossza 600mm monoblokk hőszivattyúhoz, készlet 2 a darabból.

Gumikonzolok, rezgéscsillapító, hossza 600mm monoblokk hőszivattyúhoz, készlet 2 a darabból.

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4 munkanapon belül
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Rubber supports with height 95mm and length 600mm.Width 13cm
By purchasing this product you will receive a set, i.e. 2 pcs of rubber bases.They are equipped with an aluminum rail into which the screw head can be inserted M10
For installation of heat pumps and air conditioners - external units.
They perfectly suppress any vibrations.
We recommend placing concrete blocks under these supports.It is advisable to place a monoblock pump or a split outdoor unit as high as possible.
Why?In winter, the pump must be above the snow so that the fan does not draw snow from the ground.So minimum 40cm.
In addition, we avoid taking other dirt from the ground such as leaves, powder, etc.In winter, the temperature at the ground is the lowest, so the higher the unit, the warmer the air, and thus the greater the efficiency of the system.In addition, a lot of water is always condensed from the pump - icicles and ice can form in large amounts in the ground - the higher the better, so that the unit does not become iced.
M10 screws can be used to increase the mounting of the outdoor unit.

Új vásárló a merXu-n?

Sokkal egyszerűbb, mint gondolná. Nyújtunk Önnek egy lépésről-lépésre útmutatót

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