merXu Protected Payments
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FoxEss T20 20000W 2Mppt 3PH

Gyártói kód
MPPT szám
MPPT szám
25 kg
Fázisok száma
Névleges váltóáram
24.6 A
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Szállítási idő:
2 nap
A merXu által ajánlott fizetési módok:
Ajánlott merXu
merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Biztosítsa a fizetését a szállításig. Ingyenesen.
Tudj meg többet
Alternatív fizetési módok:
Gyártói kód
MPPT szám
MPPT szám
25 kg
Fázisok száma
Névleges váltóáram
24.6 A
Névleges váltóáram
20000 W

T20 FOXESS Series
The FOXESS T series of inverters is designed for three-phase residential and small commercial installations. This series offers unmatched efficiency and versatility to maximize energy yield and extend power generation periods. The inverters are available in versions ranging from 3 kW to 25 kW. The wide range of power options allows for selecting the appropriate device for photovoltaic (PV) installations of various sizes. The series is fully optimized for expansion with FoxESS storage systems and supports remote monitoring via smartphone apps or an online portal.

DC Inputs

  • Maximum recommended DC power: 30,000 W

  • Maximum DC voltage: 1,100 V

  • Nominal operating DC voltage: 600 V

  • Maximum input current (Input A/Input B): 25 / 25 A

  • Maximum short-circuit current (Input A/Input B): 32.5 / 32.5 A

  • MPPT voltage range: 160 - 850 Vdc

  • MPPT voltage range (at full load): 350 - 850 Vdc

  • Start-up voltage: 180 V

  • Number of MPPT trackers: 2

  • Strings per MPPT: 2+2

AC Output

  • Nominal AC power: 20,000 W

  • Maximum apparent AC power: 22,000 VA

  • Nominal start-up voltage: 3/N/PE, 230/400 (310-480) Vac

  • Nominal grid voltage: 50/60 Hz ± 5

  • Nominal AC current: 24.6 A

  • Maximum AC current: 27.1 A

  • Power factor: 1 (0.8 leading to 0.8 lagging)

  • Total harmonic distortion (THD): <3%


  • MPPT efficiency: 99%

  • European efficiency: 97.8%

  • Maximum efficiency: 98.6%

Protection Features

  • DC reverse polarity protection: Yes

  • Anti-islanding protection: Yes

  • Insulation monitoring: Yes

  • Leakage current monitoring: Yes

  • AC short-circuit current protection: Yes

  • AC output overcurrent protection: Yes

  • AC output overvoltage protection: Yes

  • Surge protection: Yes

  • Thermal protection: Yes

  • Built-in DC switch: Yes

  • AFCI protection: Optional

Standards & Certifications

  • Safety standards: IEC 62109-1-2

  • EMC standards: IEC 61000-6-1 / IEC 61000-6-2 / IEC 61000-6-3 / IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/5/6/8

  • Certification: AS4777.2-2015 / VDE-AR-N 4105 / VDE0126-1-1 / G98 / G99 / EN50549-1 / CEI 0-21 / IEC 62116 / IEC 61727 / IEC 61683

General Data

  • Dimensions (L x H x W): 475 x 384 x 186 mm

  • Weight: 24 kg

  • Cooling method: Forced convection

  • Protection rating (IEC 60529): IP65

  • Topology: Transformerless

  • Protection class: III (AC side), II (DC side)

  • Noise level: <55 dB

  • Maximum operating altitude: 3,000 m

  • Operating temperature range: -20 to +60°C (derating above +45°C)

  • Storage temperature range: -40 to +70°C

  • Humidity tolerance: 100% (non-condensing)

  • Self-consumption (night mode): <3 W

Communication & Monitoring

  • Communication module: WiFi (standard), GPRS (optional)

  • Communication interfaces: Meter, DRM, USB update, E-stop, RS485

  • Display options: LCD, touch button, mobile app, web portal

Warranty: 12 years

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