merXu Protected Payments
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Fagyálló szelep 1" Caleffi 108601
Fagyálló szelep 1" Caleffi 108601
Fagyálló szelep 1" Caleffi 108601

Fagyálló szelep 1" Caleffi 108601

Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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merXu Protected Payments
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Anti-freeze valve series 108 designed to protect heat pump installations in the event of a power outage.

It eliminates the need to use glycol in the system and expensive protection using additional energy sources.

The anti-freeze valve causes the medium to slowly flow out of the system when its temperature reaches an average value of 3 °C. This prevents ice from forming in the system, protecting pipes and equipment from damage.

The valve must be installed in a vertical position with the outlet facing downwards in such a way as to allow the medium to flow out freely.

Valves should be installed outside the building in the place where the lowest temperatures occur when the heat pump is switched off.The installation site should be away from elements that could disturb the operation of the valve (heat source).

It is recommended to install it on the supply and return line to the device.If installed differently, one of the cables may freeze.For the valve to operate correctly, pressure must be ensured in the system.

Technical specifications


  • Body: brass EN 12164 CW617N

  • Closing element: brass EN 12164 CW617N (code 108601)

  • Spring: stainless steel EN 10270-3 (AISI 302)

  • Seal EPDM

  • Connection: 1" external thread

Operating data

  • Medium: water

  • Maximum working pressure: 10 bar

  • Medium temperature range: 0–65 °C

  • Ambient temperature range: -30–60 °C

  • Opening temperature (medium): 3 °C

  • Closing temperature (medium): 4 °C

  • Accuracy: ±1 °C

  • Kv (passage): 55 m3/h (108601),

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