merXu Protected Payments
Biztosítsa a fizetését a szállításig.

Dotels hőszivattyú, monoblokk, levegő-víz, Mitsubishi kompresszor, 10 kw

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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Biztosítsa a fizetését a szállításig. Ingyenesen.
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Alternatív fizetési módok:

The Dotels heat pump is a modern system that uses 75% of the energy required for operation from the outside environment, the rest being provided by the electricity supply.

Dotels monobloc units from this range incorporate the functions of a heat pump (all in one) and meet the needs of heating and domestic hot water supply (in combination with a boiler), being ideal for locations with space limited interior.

The unit has a single fan, with a simple and optimized construction to reduce operational sound and improve air circulation.

The pump can be connected to a system of photovoltaic solar panels through a dedicated port, which implies a low energy consumption.

The energy efficiency in the case of indoor heating can reach the A+++.Pompa heat class. Dotels uses the refrigerant R32.This, unlike the old R410A, agent, reduces by 68% the impact on global warming (GWP) and improves the energy performance of the device.

Electricity consumption is substantially reduced thanks to the Inverter technology, materialized in a complex compressor that adjusts its working speed according to the room temperature, thus avoiding stops and starts consuming excess current.

Dotels pumps use top components:

  • Mitsubishi compressor
  • % p10/% Alpha Laval heat exchanger
  • Wilo water pump
  • fan motor external Panasonic

Technical specifications:

Heating capacity %p30 /% 10,2 KW

Nominal input (A7W35): 2,04 KW

COP: 5,01

SCOP LWT 35°C: A+++


Refrigerant weight (R32): 1,55 kg

% p52/% Maximum heat agent temperature: 65°C

Noise level: 60 dB

Weight (NET/GROSS): 95/112 kg %p60 /%

Dimensions: 1112×370×804 mm

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