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DEYE SUN-5K-SG03LP1-EU hibrid szolár inverter BE/KI-GRID 5kW (1-fazowy)

DEYE SUN-5K-SG03LP1-EU hibrid szolár inverter BE/KI-GRID 5kW (1-fazowy)

  • Gyártó: Deye
  • Névleges váltóáram: 5000 W
  • Fázisok száma: Egy
  • MPPT-k száma: 2
  • Series: SUN-3.6/5/6K-SG03LP1-EU
Hasonlítsa össze 17 ajánlatokat
328 806,58 Ft
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DEYE Hybrid Inverter SUN-5K-SG03LP1-EU  5KW  1-FAZOWY
The hybrid inverter DEYE SUN-5K-SG03LP1-EU can be used both for new installation and modernization of existing photovoltaic system. Hybrid solutions offer many configuration and expansion modes depending on the selected configuration and equipment. In the extended configuration it is possible to achieve self-sufficiency (to a limited extent) and increase the efficiency of the photovoltaic installation.The hybrid kit can provide power in the event of a power cut.
DEYE SUN-5K-SG03LP1-EU is a single-phase, low-voltage (48V) hybrid inverter that allows you to increase your energy independence and optimize the direction of energy flow and the sources or loads where this energy is directed. Thanks to its compact design and high power density, this series supports a DC/AC ratio of 1,3, which allows you to save on your device investment.
Manufacturer warranty 5 years
Distributor warranty in Poland 10 years.
The inverter can operate in on-grid mode, i.e. with sending to the grid, but you can also limit the outflow to the grid using the transformers included in the set

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