BMXSAI0410 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

BMXSAI0410 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Schneider Electric
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Schneider Electric part number BMXSAI0410. This product is part of the Modicon X80 range, a common platform of modules for Modicon M580 and M340 Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC). This safety analog input module offers 4 isolated inputs. It supports resistive type of inputs. It is the Modicon analog input module dedicated to M580 safety systems. It is connected via a 20-way removable terminal block. It features a 16-bit resolution. It has a red coating specific to Safety products. It is suitable for safety most demanding applications. This product is certified by CE and UL, and also by ATEX and IECEx for use in explosive atmospheres. It complies up to SIL 3, Category 4, PLd. This module can only be used with a Safety CPU. The I/O module height is larger than the height of a rack (Ethernet or X-bus) and should be considered before installing the rack. It can be installed either in a local or a remote rack. Modicon X80 is a platform of modules common to Modicon M580 and M340 automation platforms that reduces maintenance and training costs with same spare parts in stock, and unique training for various Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC). Modicon X80 consists in a compatible modules common platform that reduce maintenance and training costs with same spare parts in stock, and unique training for different Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC).

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