BMXCPS3500 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

BMXCPS3500 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Schneider Electric part number BMXCPS3500. This product is part of the Modicon X80 range, a common platform of modules for Modicon M580 and M340 Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC). This power supply module has a primary voltage of 100V to 240V AC. It is a power supply module with a secondary power of 31.2W at 24V DC, a current at secondary voltage of 4.5A at 3.3V DC and a maximum power dissipation of 8.5W. This product is robust, high quality and based on the latest innovative technology. It is furnished with 2-pin connector for alarm relay, 5-pin connector for line supply, protective earth for electrical connection. It is an IP20 rated product. It weighs 0.36kg. It is suitable for medium to large process applications. This product is certified by CE, RCM, Merchant Navy, CSA, EAC, UL. It meets EN 61131-2, EN 61000-6-4, EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61010-2-201 standards. Modicon X80 consists in a compatible modules common platform that reduce maintenance and training costs with same spare parts in stock, and unique training for different Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC).

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