BMECRA31210 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

BMECRA31210 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Schneider Electric
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EAN kód
Schneider Electric part number BMECRA31210. This product is part of the Modicon X80 range, a common platform of modules for Modicon M580 and M340 Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC). This Ethernet Remote Input Output (RIO) drop adaptor has 3 ports with Ethernet backplane. Integrated connections are EtherNet/IP for device network and EtherNet/IP for service port. This product is robust, high quality and based on the latest innovative technology. The input data are collected and published to the remote I/O head adaptor and output modules are updated with the data received from remote I/O head adaptor. It is an IP20 rated product. It is suitable for medium to large process applications. This product is certified by CE, Merchant Navy, GOST, C-Tick. It meets EN 61131-2, EN 61000-6-4, EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61010-2-201 standards. This adaptor is compatible with multifunction input module BMXERT, Ethernet module BMXNOM, counter module BMXEHC, 0 to 1024 discrete channels, 0 to 256 analogue channels, HART module BMEAH and weighing module PMESWT. Modicon X80 consists in a compatible modules common platform that reduce maintenance and training costs with same spare parts in stock, and unique training for different Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC).

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