ATV12H055M2 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

ATV12H055M2 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Schneider Electric
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EAN kód
Schneider Electric part number ATV12H055M2. This Altivar 12 variable speed drive can feed single phase asynchronous motors. It works at a rated power up to 0.55kW / 0.75hp and a rated voltage from 200V to 240V AC. It is designed with heatsink for normal environments and fan-cooled enclosure. Transient overtorque function prevents stoppages by unjamming the machine with extra torque, when needed, this reduces downtime and maintenance costs. It features underload and overload detection, this contribute to protect your installation. The Altivar 12 drive integrates as standard the Modbus communication protocol, which can be accessed via the RJ45 connector located on the underside of the drive. It is designed for simple industry and commercial machines and appliances, such as conveyors, pumps, extractors, access barriers and treadmills. SoMove software compatibility enables saving and transfering of configurations to spare drive, reducing maintenance downtime. It features an optimized application of power and torque for ventilation and pumping applications, this allows up to 30% energy savings.

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