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Akció - Solplanet ASW 40K-LT Grid inverter

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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Thanks to its innovative design and the use of standard tools, installation of the Solplanet ASW 40K-LT-G2 inverter is extremely simple and fast. In addition, the dual bracket and wall-mounting options provide flexibility and convenience during installation. WiFi configuration using the dedicated app is not only quick, but also intuitive.

✅ Reliable ✅

Our inverter inverter meets international quality standards, guaranteeing reliable operation. Thanks to the wide DC/AC oversizing range, we are able to deliver power even in difficult conditions. The IP65 degree of protection allows the inverter to be used outdoors, regardless of weather conditions.

✅ User-friendly ✅

Intelligent monitoring of the Solplanet ASW 40K-LT-G2 inverter is carried out via an easy-to-use app that provides detailed information on the operation of the photovoltaic system. Not only is it a functional tool, it is also an unobtrusive piece of equipment that blends perfectly into any space. In addition, our inverter features multiple MPPTs, making it easy to install and optimise system performance.

By choosing the Solplanet ASW 40K-LT-G2 inverter, you are not only investing in advanced technology, but also in the environment and your own energy savings. Join the Solplanet family and enjoy a reliable source of renewable energy. We also offer hybrid inverters and monitoring and management systems, including a proprietary app and cloud and EV charging stations. Discover the future of energy with Solplanet!

General information:

Inverter type: 3-phase

Number of MPPT: 4

Power: 40 kW

Guarantee: 5 years

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