A9MEM3110 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

A9MEM3110 Schneider Electric – Új gyári lezárás

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
Gyártói kód
EAN kód
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Schneider Electric
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EAN kód
Schneider Electric part number A9MEM3110. The Acti9 iEM3000 series energy meters offer an attractive range of three-phase DIN rail-mounted energy meters with an LCD display. Additional local signaling includes green LED power-on indicator, flashing yellow LED for accuracy checking and communication indicators. This meter can be used in sub-billing and partial metering applications. The meter provides the following accuracy classes: Active Energy: class 1 per IEC 62053-21, Active Energy: class B per EN 50470-3 and Active Energy: class 1 per IEC 61557-12. The meter will measure Active and Reactive Power, Active and Reactive Energy. Designed for 50Hz or 60Hz networks, supply voltage can range from 100 to 277VAC or 173 to 480VAC. Line rated current for this meter is up to 63A direct connect and will support Single Phase and Neutral, Three Phase and Three Phase and Neutral configurations. No primary communication ports. There is one digital pulsed output for energy reading. Certifications include EAC, CE, UL and MID. Product dimensions are as follows: width 3.54 in (90 mm), depth 2.72in (69 mm), height 3.74 in (95 mm) and product weight 9.17 oz (260 g).

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