1SFA898103R7000 ABB – Új gyári lezárás

1SFA898103R7000 ABB – Új gyári lezárás

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EAN kód
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ABB part number 1SFA898103R7000. The softstarter PSTX30-600-70 has a rated maximum operational current of 30 A with an operating voltage span from 208...600 V AC. The rated control voltage is between 100...250 V AC at 50/60 Hz. PSTX features a three-phase control soft start and stop through a voltage or a torque ramp. It has built-in bypass for easy installation and energy saving. A RUN, TOR and Event signal is available from relay outputs in NO (normally open state). The PSTX has functions such as current limit, kickstart, analog output, EOL, motor heating and pump cleaning. PSTX also features features jog, braking, stand-still brake, diagnostics, sequence start and emergency/fire pump mode as standard.To interact with PSTX, it has a detachable full graphic display with IP66 and 4x outdoor rating. There are four ways to communicate with PSTX. It can be done by hardwire inputs Start/Stop/Reset of fault, and by three programmable digital inputs. Another popular option is the built-in Fieldbus communication Modbus RTU and incl optional ANYBUS modules with every major protocol such as for example Profinet, Profibus, Modbus TCP, Ethernet IP and others. Another way to communicate with PSTX is to use an external adaptor and a Fieldbus plug. PSTX is the complete alternative for any motor starting application. It’s suitable for medium to large-sized three-phase motors with nominal currents from 30...1250 A inline connection or 52...2160 A inside delta connection. Typical applications are, for example, pumps, fans, compressors, and conveyors.

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