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TCL TCL-MR420DH182-54NT bifacial Full Black

Valmistajan koodi
TCL-MR420DH182-54NT Full Black
Paneelin tehokkuus
22.3 %
Solujen lukumäärä
Kehyksen väri
täysi musta
Suurin teho (Pmax)
420 W
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Vaihtoehtoiset maksutavat:
Valmistajan koodi
TCL-MR420DH182-54NT Full Black
Paneelin tehokkuus
22.3 %
Solujen lukumäärä
Kehyksen väri
täysi musta
Suurin teho (Pmax)
420 W
22 kg

TCL-MR 420DH Bifacial Mono TOPCon Half Cell photovoltaic panels with a power of 420 W are advanced modules with high efficiency and durability.Thanks to bifacial technology and TOPCon cells, TCL photovoltaic panels enable additional generation of electricity from the rear side, increasing the overall efficiency of the installation, achieving efficiency at the level of 21,5%, especially in places with greater light reflection.

They withstand wind loads up to 2400 Pa and snow loads up to 5400 Pa, which makes them resistant to harsh weather conditions.The modules are resistant to high temperatures, humidity, salt mist and ammonia, and also have excellent fire resistance.They provide higher power density per square meter and have a long linear performance warranty.


  TCL-MR 420DH Bifacial Mono TOPCon Half Cell


Electrical data (STC)

  • Rated power Pmax (Wp): 420 W

  • Voltage at maximum power Vmpp (V): 31.84 V

  • Current at maximum power Impp (A): 13.19 A

  • Open circuit voltage Voc (V): 38.04 V

  • Short circuit current Isc (A): 14  A

  • Module efficiency (%): 21.5%

STC (Standard Test Conditions): solar radiation 1000 W/m², cell temperature 25°C, air mass AM 1.5 according to EN standard 61215.


Electrical data (NMOT)

  • Rated power Pmax (Wp): 314 W

  • Voltage at maximum power Vmpp (V): 29.20 V

  • Current at maximum power Impp (A): 10.75 A

  • Open circuit voltage Voc (V): 36.05 V

  • Short circuit current Isc (A): 11.45 A

NMOT (Nominal Module Operating Temperature): air mass AM 1.5, wind speed 1 m/s, solar radiation 800 W/m², ambient temperature 20°C.


Electrical characteristics with different rear side power gain (relative to front panel power 420W):

  • Power gain (Pmax gain %): 5%

  • Maximum power (Pmax): 457 W

  • Voltage at maximum power (Vmpp): 32.47 V

  • Current at maximum power (Impp): 14.07 A


Temperature and Maximum Parameters

  • Nominal Module Operating Temperature (NMOT): 44 ± 2°C

  • Operating Temperature Range: from -40°C to +85°C

  • Maximum System Voltage: 1500 V DC

  • Maximum Fuse Current: 25 A


Mechanical characteristics

  • Solar cells: Monocrystalline N-type, SMBB technology

  • Cell configuration: 108 cells (6 x 9x2 )

  • Module dimensions: 1722 mm x 1134 mm x 30 mm

  • Weight: 22.0 kg

  • Glass: Tempered ARC glass 2.0 mm thick

  • Back cover: Black glass 2.0 mm thick

  • Frame: Anodized aluminum, black

  • Junction box (J-Box): IP68, with 3 bypass diodes

  • Cables: Cross section 4 mm², wire length 380 mm,

  • Connector: MC4 EVO2


Packaging configuration

  • Number of modules in container (40 FT HQ): 936

  • Number of modules on pallet: 36

  • Number of pallets in container: 26

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