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SolaX X1-BOOST-3.3 kW, Osta invertteri Euroopasta

Solax Power
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Solax Power

Solax Power's X1-Boost single-phase inverter is an excellent choice for those looking for a high-quality, energy-efficient single-phase solution. With 2 MPPT and 1 string per MPPT, it is capable of managing and optimizing solar energy production effectively.

In addition, its monitoring through the Solax Cloud with data updates every 5 minutes allows monitoring of the system's performance. This inverter is small, light and compatible with car chargers and heat pumps thanks to the Adapter Box. If you are looking for a complete and reliable solution, Solax Power Boost is an excellent option.

  • 2 MPPT, 1 string per MPPT

  • Start-up voltage: 100V

  • Max. short circuit current: 16A

  • IP66

We are a wholesale distribution company for solar photovoltaic material. With extensive experience in the sector, we are specialized in the sale of solar panels, inverters, batteries and structures from the best brands. In addition, we have a specialized technical team available to answer any questions about your installation or the equipment, without any additional costs. We support our clients throughout the entire process, from purchase to project implementation.

Contact us for more information.

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