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SMA STP 6.0-3AV-40

SMA STP 6.0-3AV-40

Valmistajan koodi
STP 6.0-3AV-40
1 085,00 € +ALV
1 pc.
1 085,00 € +ALV
1 ×
1 085,00 € +ALV
(1 pc.)
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Valmistajan koodi
STP 6.0-3AV-40

Available: 4pcs

SMA SUNNY TRIPOWER STP 6.0 Solar Inverter SMA STP6.0-3AV-40

The Sunny Tripower 6.0-3AV-40 makes PV systems in private households especially powerful. It combines top inverter performance with maximum ease and comfort for its users. With integrated services and shade solutions, it can meet any challenge found on roofs. The Sunny Tripower reliably ensures maximum solar yields and reduces electricity costs.

Quick and Easy to Install

Weighing only 17 kilograms, the three-phase SMA 6.0-3AV-40 can be installed quickly while taking up minimal space. The Sunny Tripower can be commissioned quickly via smartphone or tablet thanks to its integrated web interface.

  • One-person installation due to low weight of 17 kg

  • Compact design means minimum space requirements

  • 100% plug and play installation

The SMA Sunny Tripower 6.0 has it all, with established product features such as OptiTrac Global

Intelligent Solar Power Generation

Peak and SMA Smart Connected that are now supplemented with integrated TS4-R communication for module optimization. Thanks to this, even shade on the module is no problem. The OptiTrac Global Peak integrated shade management system ensures maximum yields in light shade. For large amounts of shade or complex roof structures, TS4-R module optimizers can be installed easily and selectively for maximum yields.

The free SMA Smart Connected service analyzes inverter operation, immediately informs the installer of irregularities and offers recommended solutions to ensure maximum system availability. Operators and installers can keep an eye on the system at all times via the SMA monitoring portals. Thanks to the TS4-R module optimizer, it is even possible to monitor every single module upon request.
Integrated SMA Smart Connected service

  • Integrated shade management with OptiTrac Global Peak and TS4-R communication

  • Free online monitoring via Sunny Portal and Sunny Places

  • Dynamic active power limitation

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