merXu Protected Payments
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KOSTAL-energiamittari – sarja P (KEM-P)

Valmistajan koodi
Mitat (K/L/S):
100/72/66 mm
322 g
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Turvaa maksusi toimitukseen asti. Maksutta.
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Vaihtoehtoiset maksutavat:
Valmistajan koodi
Mitat (K/L/S):
100/72/66 mm
322 g

Kostal Energy Meter KEM-P, 63 A

Connection only to 1 PIKO IQ / PLENTICORE plus / PLENTICORE BI possible, no EV charging (3-phase up to 63 A)

The KOSTAL Energy Meters are inexpensive energy meters with a wide range of functions, because they can be used to cover a wide range of applications in your own solar system: 24-hour home consumption measurement, dynamic active power control and the operation of a connected battery storage system. And for battery storage, the KOSTAL Energy Meters with the PLENTICORE plus hybrid inverter are immediately ready for use, since both KOSTAL Energy Meters are preconfigured by default. Thus, a direct connection is possible without further settings. It can be operated in just a few simple steps: the central LCD display shows the most important information at a glance. All important controls are easily accessible on the front.

Kostal Energy Meter with important basic functions

For systems with an inverter output of up to 10 kVA and in combination with a connected battery as a hybrid inverter, the KOSTAL Energy Meters are the quick and easy alternative. In addition, the KOSTAL Energy Meters ensure optimal visualization of self-consumption and self-sufficiency in the KOSTAL Solar Portal and in the KOSTAL Solar App. The measurement data is transmitted to the inverters. The 3-phase energy measurement takes place in real time via the preconfigured Modbus RTU standard interfaces (RS485).

Kostal Energy Meter with PLENTICORE plus

  • 24-hour home consumption measurement.

  • Dynamic active power control (e.g. 70 % control).

  • Connection via preconfigured Modbus RTU interfaces (RS485).

  • Provision of all measurement data for the battery function.

System Data: Compatible with inverter (only one inverter): PIKO IQ / PLENTICORE plus / PLENTICORE BI

Compatible with Wallbox ENECTOR: ---

Current inputs - maximum current (lmax): 100 A

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