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Hoymiles DTU-tyyppinen PRO WiFi-viestintämoduuli

Valmistajan koodi
tarvikkeet mikroinvertteriin
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tarvikkeet mikroinvertteriin
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Hoymiles DTU type PRO WiFi communication module

Communication module DTU-Pro in the WiFi version is a device designed to work with Hoymiles HM series microinverters.This is a device that allows you to monitor the operation of photovoltaic panels.The DTU PRO module is a mandatory element of connecting the PV installation to the grid, which is based on microinverters.

Product features:

- Monitoring and data collection at the module level

- Communication with the microinverter and monitoring server

- Built-in WiFi communication module

- More precise monitoring of photovoltaic energy generation and energy consumption by loads

- Supports export limiting and zero export applications

- Works with Modbus RTU / TCP protocol, so you can easily check the power and generation on the monitoring platform

- Alternative ports (RJ45, USB, RS485) provide easy power management of your solar power plant

- Four LEDs allow you to observe the status of the microinverter system

In our The offer also includes all the necessary elements and accessories for the installation of photovoltaic systems.

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