merXu Protected Payments
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GoodWe 250kW, verkkoinvertteri, kolmivaiheinen, 6 mppt, ei näyttöä, ei wifiä

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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Vaihtoehtoiset maksutavat:
The GW250KN-HT model is part of the new HT 1500 V (225/250 kW series), a high power inverter suitable for ground-mounted solar installations.It is designed to streamline system installation, operation and maintenance costs.With 6 MPPT and 12 MPPT options, the inverter is compatible with high-power 182 mm/210 mm modules, which increases its adaptability to various solar panel technologies.

Equipped with PLC communication, the series offers single string level monitoring and has built-in current-voltage curve diagnostics that intelligently detects voltage and current problems.The inverters are equipped with an optional PID recovery function and can be monitored for 24 hours a day.The GW250KN-HT is equipped with an intelligent string protection switch mechanism that minimizes power loss in the event of a short circuit or feedback.

Setup and maintenance are simplified with Bluetooth connectivity, enabling remote diagnostics and firmware updates.This functionality is designed to deliver the lowest cost of electricity produced (LCOE), making it a cost-effective choice for large-scale solar producers.The device's robust design ensures long life and consistent performance without the need for a display or Wi-Fi connection.

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