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FoxESS S-Box  Palosuojakytkin

FoxESS S-Box  Palosuojakytkin

227,15 € +ALV
978,85 PLN
1 pc.
227,15 € +ALV
978,85 PLN
1 ×
978,85 PLN +ALV
(1 pc.)
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FoxESS S-Box  Fire protection switch

The S-BOX-2 FOXESS fire protection switch is a modern and functional safety device, designed especially for photovoltaic systems. Its main task is to switch on and off the direct voltage from photovoltaic panels, which is crucial to ensure safety, especially in emergency situations.

Main features of the S-BOX-2 FOXESS fire protection switch:

Maintenance-free: The switch is designed so that it does not require regular maintenance or servicing, which is a great convenience for users.

No Reset Requirement: The device automatically reconnects the DC link when AC power is restored, eliminating the need for manual reset after each power outage.

Compliance with Construction Law Regulations: The switch has a positive opinion from fire experts and meets the requirements of the amendment to the Construction Law Act.

High Current Capacity: The device can handle current up to 40 A at a voltage of 1000 V, which guarantees its efficiency in various photovoltaic systems.

Two String Support: S-BOX-2 allows you to connect two strings of photovoltaic panels, which increases its versatility.

Built-in MC4 Connectors: The switch is equipped with a set of MC4 connectors, which facilitates quick and simple connection to photovoltaic panels.

Quick and Error-Free Installation: Thanks to the well-thought-out design and included connectors, the installation of the switch is simple and should not pose any problems even for less experienced users.

The S-BOX-2 FOXESS fire protection switch is therefore an extremely important element of every photovoltaic installation, ensuring the safety and reliability of the system, especially in emergency situations, such as power outages or the risk of fire hazard. Its modern technical solutions and maintenance-free design make it an important complement to any photovoltaic system.

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