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Energialaskuri 3F Chint DTSU666

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Chint DTSU666 Modbus 0,25-5(80)A - bi-directional, four-quadrant meter analyzer equipped with port RS-485 and Modbus-RTU protocol (instructions in Polish can be found in the "Additional information" section).


Measurement inputs:

  • 4-ro track to cable cross-section 16mm2

  • measurements in single-phase two-wire, three-phase three-phase (3F3P) and four-wire (3F4P),

  • maximum current 80A

Most important technical data:

  • Output RS-485, Modbus-RTU protocol

  • Pulse output: programmable to set pulses corresponding to kWh or kVArh.

  • Measurements: incl. voltages, currents, active and reactive powers, power factors on individual phases, active energy export/import, reactive energy export/import, four quadrants, kWh/kVArh, kW/kVar, kVA, P, F, PF, V, A.

  • Backlit LCD display

  • Active energy measurement accuracy (Wh): Class 1, Class B EN50470-1/3

  • Reactive energy measurement accuracy (VArh): Class 2

  • THD : 1% to 31st

  • MID Certificate

%p30 /% Other parameters:

  • Normal operating temperature -10 ºC to 45 ºC

  • Operating temperature limits -25 ºC to 75 ºC

  • %p51/ %

    Average annual humidity 0-75%, non-condensing

  • Installation DIN rail %p62 /% (72x94,5mm)

  • LCD display 7 characters, 5.3mm x 2.8mm %p73/ %

  • LED number of flashes per kWh

  • Communication %p84 /% RS485, Modbus and DL/T

  • Degree of protection IP54

  • % p95/%

    Dimensions 98mm x 65mm x 72mm

  • Weight approximately 0,4 kg


The counter works with inverters %p117 /% FoxEss, Deye (checked with Deye SUN-12K-G03), Sofar Solar (SofarSolar KTLX G3) and Hoymiles system ) (write before connecting the meter and entering serial numbers - we will send instructions on how to do it correctly), integration with Domoticz is also available (plugin DTSU666-Modbus available on github).The meter can be easily read using various types of devices with the RS485, port, such as: Raspberry PI (with adapter USB-RS485), PVMterminal , computer (with adapter USB-RS485) etc.)If you need help integrating with your system, write and we will try to help.

Attention!!!The meter does not work with Huawei inverters because it is not a -H meter with software dedicated to Huawei .In this case, we recommend a replacement, i.e. our MBtranslator set.Another solution is the DTSU666 counter and additionally PVMterminal, which can be used to monitor both the generation and operating parameters of the Huawei inverter, as well as the energy and operating parameters measured by the DTSU666. counter

Possible applications

The meter can be used in various energy management systems such as energy consumption monitoring in homes, public buildings, factories and others industrial facilities.It can also be used in renewable energy systems , such as solar and wind farms, to monitor the energy produced and feed it into the grid .

The communication capabilities of the device allow easy integration with existing systems, and its accuracy and reliability make it suitable for professional and home applications

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