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DAH-aurinkomoduuli 460 W DHT-M60X10/FS koko näyttö / musta kehys / DAH460W
DAH-aurinkomoduuli 460 W DHT-M60X10/FS koko näyttö / musta kehys / DAH460W
DAH-aurinkomoduuli 460 W DHT-M60X10/FS koko näyttö / musta kehys / DAH460W
DAH-aurinkomoduuli 460 W DHT-M60X10/FS koko näyttö / musta kehys / DAH460W
DAH-aurinkomoduuli 460 W DHT-M60X10/FS koko näyttö / musta kehys / DAH460W

DAH-aurinkomoduuli 460 W DHT-M60X10/FS koko näyttö / musta kehys / DAH460W

Dah Solar
23,5 kg
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2 päivää
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Vaihtoehtoiset maksutavat:
Dah Solar
23,5 kg

Anhui Daheng Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (or DAH Solar) DAH Solar is an innovative and technologically leading company in the production of photovoltaic products. DAH Solar contributes to the supply of high-efficiency photovoltaic modules, high-quality solar cells, technologically advanced integrated solar systems and valuable energy storage for our valued customers. DAH Solar has 4 modern technological factories that help to achieve an annual production of 1.5 GW for solar cells, 2 GW of photovoltaic modules. Currently, the construction of the project of TOPCon N-type photovoltaic modules with a capacity of 5 GW and solar cells is underway. innovative product DAH Solar,Advantages:

  • DAH Solar innovates full screen technology. Thanks to this technology, the sedimentation of dust, water and snow will be reduced.

  • Low current, increase power generation by 1/3, lower current and less losses.

  • Increasing power generation by 6-15%+ The panel is able to reduce power generation losses caused by dust, reduce the risk of hot spots.

  • Curved surface Angle 128°R. 75%+ downforce reduction Curved frame with ergonomic design, optimized delivery and assembly.

  • Revolutionary assembly technology Using excellent frame assembly technology, strong adhesion, durable to use.

  • Excellent mechanical load-bearing capacity Certified by tests of resistance to dust-sand, salt spray, ammonia, etc. and increased mechanical load: wind load (2400 Pa) and snow load (5400 Pa).

  • Dimensions: 1903×1134×32mmWeight: 23.5kg

  • pallet 34 pcs

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