merXu Protected Payments
Turvaa maksusi toimitukseen asti.

Autokatos - ECO

Valmistajan koodi
Rekisteröidy tai Kirjaudu sisään aloittaaksesi ostosten tekemisen
Toimittajan tarjous:
Määränpäänä olevat maat:
+26 lisää
5 päivää
MerXun suosittelemat maksutavat:
Suositellut merXu
merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Turvaa maksusi toimitukseen asti. Maksutta.
Lue lisää
Vaihtoehtoiset maksutavat:
Valmistajan koodi

Carport - ECO

  • Installation based on a typical prefabricated foundation.

  • Compatible with most photovoltaic module installations.

  • Utilization of parking spaces for electricity generation.

  • Fast and economical installation time.

  • Expandable to accommodate additional parking spaces.

  • Customizable design and structure to meet client-specific requirements.

  • Protection from weather conditions.

  • Optional custom bumper upon request.

  • Structure adapted to climatic load requirements for the specified location.


  • Corrosion protection: zinc coating and/or Magnelis.

  • 1-year warranty on components with Z275 coating.

  • 2-year warranty on hot-dip galvanized components.

  • 25-year warranty on Magnelis coating.

  • 25-year warranty on the structural framework.

  • Standard support spacing up to 5.6 m.


  • PN-EN 1090-1+A1:2012

  • PN-EN 1090-2+A1:2024-10

  • PN-EN 1090-4:2018-09

  • PN-EN 1990:2004

  • PN-EN 1991-1-3:2005

  • PN-EN 1991-1-4:2008

  • PN-EN 1993-1-1:2024-10

  • PN-EN 1993-1-3:2008

  • PN-EN 1993-1-5:2008

  • PN-EN 1992-1-1:2024-05

To prepare a quote for the mounting structure, please provide the following information:

  • Dimensions of the photovoltaic module

  • Number of modules planned for installation

  • Dimensions of the area designated for the structure

  • Type of ground surface

Feel free to contact us to create a well-suited, durable structure together. The price in the offer is a sample price for a single module.

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