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Aurinkomoduuli TrinaSolar Vertex N TSM-705NEG21C.20 Bifacial 705W

Trina Solar
Valmistajan koodi
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Vaihtoehtoiset maksutavat:
Trina Solar
Valmistajan koodi

Vertex N - Dual Glass N Type i-TOPCon Bifacial Module

High value

• Standardized module size with flagship module power, 35W higher compared with conventional technology

• Low voltage design with higher string power, effectively reducing BOS (Balance of System) and LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) by 2%~6%

• Higher container space utilization effectively reduces the freight cost

• Certified Low-Carbon Footprint

• The Star of LCOE

High power up to 705W

• Up to 22.7% module efficiency

• Patented i-TOPCon technology with continuous efficiency improvement, including contact resistance reduction, rear reflection enhancement and edge quality repairment

High reliability

• Minimized micro-cracks with innovative non-destructive cutting technology and high-density packaging

• Reduced risks of hot-spot with half-cut technology

• Certified high resistance against salt, ammonia, sand, PID, LID, LeTID

• Sustainable in harsh environments and extreme weather conditions

High energy yield

• Excellent low irradiation performance, validated by 3rd party

• Lower temperature coefficient (-0.29%/°C)

• Higher bifaciality, with up to 10%~20% additional power gain from back side depending on albedo

• Reliable dual-glass structure with 30-year power guarantee

  • Product type: Solar module
  • Manufacturer: Trina Solar
  • Model: TSM-705NEG21C.20
  • Module type: Bifacial
  • Cell type: N-type i-TOPCon Monocrystalline
  • Output power (kW): 0.705
  • Open circuit voltage (V): 48.8
  • Short circuit current (A): 18.36
  • Max power voltage (V): 40.7
  • Max power current (A): 17.33
  • Max system voltage (V): 1500 (IEC/UL)
  • Performance warranty (years): 30
  • Warranty (years): 12
  • Item size LxWxH (mm): 2384 x 1303 x 33
  • Item weight (kg): 38.3

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