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Ale - TCL-lämpöpumppu 8 kW | Jakaa

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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Vaihtoehtoiset maksutavat:

TCL's Tri-Thermal heat pumps are a modern, highly efficient and cost-effective solution for homes and businesses. It is currently the only heat pump that has the possibility of connecting more than 8 heating zones and communicates via GSM and WiFii. In addition, it has an intuitive app that allows real-time monitoring of the unit's operation, a powder-coated stainless steel casing and a double rotary compressor that guarantees long-lasting operation with minimal maintenance costs.

Official TCL heat pump distributor website:

The Tri-Thermal series heat pumps feature:

an intuitive application that allows real-time monitoring of the unit's operation in Polish,

a heavy-duty powder-coated steel casing,

a double rotary compressor ensuring long-lasting operation with minimal maintenance costs,

built-in 9 kW heater,

circulation pump with variable speed,

8 litre diaphragm vessel,

safety valve and air vent,

a rotary compressor from the world's largest manufacturer guaranteeing 200,000 cycles,

specialised automation with advanced algorithms resulting in reduced power consumption,

Smart Grid Ready technology allowing the heat pump to cooperate with a photovoltaic installation accumulating energy in the domestic hot water tank.

an open Modbus protocol allowing the pump to be controlled by Smart Home systems and connected in a cascade system,

the possibility of connecting to a dedicated tank with a coil with an increased heat exchange surface that allows hot water to be heated up in as little as 15 minutes and the heating itself can reach 65 degrees. The tank eliminates legionella bacteria through superheating,

pre-evaporation ensures the safety of the panels with underfloor heating

liquid crystal LCD display with descriptions in Polish shows all pump parameters,

heated drip tray for condensate drainage from the evaporator, so that TCL heat pumps guarantee effective drainage

numerous accessories included as standard, at no extra charge.

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