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BMS Li-Ion LiFePo4 48V 14S 150A, Seplos

BMS Li-Ion LiFePo4 48V 14S 150A, Seplos

219,50 € +KM
1092,44 RON
1 tk
219,50 € +KM
1092,44 RON
1 ×
1092,44 RON +KM
(1 tk)
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Seplos BMS (Battery Management System) is an advanced and reliable solution for managing the performance and safety of lithium batteries.Designed for use in various applications, including electric vehicles, renewable energy systems and industrial equipment, Seplos BMS is a state-of-the-art technology that optimizes battery usage and ensures maximum efficiency.With Seplos BMS, you can monitor and control various battery parameters such as state of charge, voltage, temperature and current.The system is equipped with advanced algorithms and sensors that provide accurate data, allowing you to make informed decisions and prevent potential hazards.One of the key features of the Seplos BMS is its modular design, which allows for easy installation and scalability.You can customize the system to your specific needs and expand it as your requirements change.In addition, the system is compatible with different types of batteries and can be integrated with different communication protocols.Seplos BMS also offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to access real-time data and customize settings according to your preferences.The system can be accessed remotely via a mobile app, giving you increased flexibility and convenience.Overall, Seplos BMS is a robust and reliable solution for lithium battery management.With advanced features and user-friendly interface, it is an ideal choice for individuals and organizations looking to optimize the performance and safety of their battery systems.

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