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Kuidas alustada merXu's müümist - samm-sammuline juhend
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Kuidas alustada merXu's müümist - samm-sammuline juhend

To start selling on merXu:

1. Activate online payment methods 

2. Upload offers

1. Activate online payment methods 

Step 1: Access your Account Panel on merXu HERE

Step 2: Find information on online payment activation

Step 3: Activate online payments

  • Find a black button labeled "Activate online payments." Click on this button to initiate the activation process.

Active Online Payments

Step 4: Proceed with the verification process

  • After clicking the "Activate online payments" button, you will be redirected to a verification process facilitated by merXu's external partner. It is essential to complete this step to start selling on merXu.

Step 5: Follow the instructions for completing company details

  • During the verification process, you will need to provide accurate information regarding your company details. Fill in each field with the required information, such as company name, address, and registration details.

Step 6: Provide personal details

  • In addition to company information, you will also need to provide personal details for owners, controlling persons, and signatories in your company.
  • You may have one person holding multiple roles. Complete the required fields, including date of birth, country of residence, email address, phone number, and job title. Also, provide a personal address.

Step 7: Verify your bank account

  • To receive payouts, you must have a verified bank account. Make sure the bank account holder's name matches your company name.
  • The specific verification process may vary depending on your country. Choose the appropriate form of verification provided by merXu.

Step 8: Submit the required documents

  • Follow the instructions provided to submit the necessary documents for verification. These documents may include identification documents, business licenses, or other relevant paperwork. Ensure that you provide all the required documents accurately.

Step 9: Review and approval stage

  • Once you have submitted the required documents, your application will go through a review and approval process. This stage may take some time, so be patient. 

Step 10: Completion and success

  • If all the fields are marked with a green "Verified," it means that the online payment onboarding process has been successfully completed. You have now successfully onboarded for online payment methods on merXu.

Congratulations! You can now enjoy the benefits of accepting online payments on merXu and start selling your products to a wider audience.

2. Listing offers on merXu

Great! The account is now ready to start selling. As you are the seller please note that there is a one-time transaction fee for each completed sale. You'll only be charged 3.5% of the amount of a given transaction but not more than 200 EUR per transaction. More details about the Transaction fees you may find in the Annex 1 to the Terms and conditions - Transactions fees and also HERE.

Now it's time for the next step, which is loading offers on the merXu platform.

You can list on merXu in several ways:

  • Manual listing
  • Add similar offer
  • Uploading files
  • BaseLinker
  • API

Manual listing

This model is quick and easy. It will work well if you want to enter just a few listings on merXu.

Just go to the formHERE or via My merXu > Product Catalogue > Create offer.

Then fill out a simple form (fields marked with an *asterisk are mandatory)

  1. Product ID (mandatory field) — a code assigned by you. It must be unique and used for 1 product only. It can consist of letters and/or numbers;
  2. Category (mandatory field)  — category path which you can choose by expanding the list;
  3. Product name — the name visible to customers, should uniquely identify the product. You can use up to 255 characters;
  4. Product description - the better you describe your product, the more chance you have of selling it;
  5. Product parameters — define additional product parameters if you think they are needed to be; indicated in the offer. Also, enter the value of the parameter, e.g. units of measurement;
  6. Product photos — you can add up to 8 photos, each with a maximum weight of 10 MB. Photos may not infringe copyright or industrial property, contain watermarks or contain reflections. Additional photos may show the product in use, close-ups of its important functions, packaging, accessories out of the box and transformations — composite, unfolded, open, closed, etc.;

You can load photos one at a time or select an entire folder.

  1. YouTube video — if you have a video about the product or how to use it, etc., you can post it in the form;
  2. Status — the offer will be visible to Buyers after setting the status to “Active”;
  3. Stock- you can mark your products as "in stock"
  • Sell in multiply of — if you sell a product in packs of e.g. 5 pieces, indicate that the quantity can be increased by the whole set (5 pieces) and not, e.g. by 1 piece;
  1. Pricing
  • Unit — you can choose: m3, kg, l, m, pcs, m2
  • Currency — you can choose currencies PLN, CZK, EUR, HUF, RO;
  • Net price — enter the net price of your product;
  • VAT rate — select the appropriate rate;
  • Price levels — add price levels to show that the price is more attractive when buying multiple pieces;
  1. Shipping

You can prepare your individual shipping price lists, add carriers, also for foreign markets. You can read about creating shipping price lists HERE.

If you do not use the prepared shipping price lists, you can enter the price list manually by specifying:

  • Shipment country — select from the list the country from which you plan to ship. By default, the country where your company is registered is selected;
  • Shipping price per item — you can enter the shipping price right from the form or leave this issue until individual arrangements with the Buyer;
  • Shipping time — you can also postpone this point into individual arrangements with the Buyer;
  • Destination countries — countries to which you plan to send your products. The list includes all countries where merXu operates;

Add similar offer

With this simple "Add similar" option, you can save time and effort while expanding your product catalog. It's a handy feature for businesses of all sizes, making it easier than ever to showcase your offerings on merXu!

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use the "Add similar" option to effortlessly create new product listings based on existing offers. Let's get started! 

Step 1: Access Your merXu Account Panel 

To begin, click on the "My merXu" button to access your merXu Account Panel. From there, navigate to the "Product catalogue" section HERE

Step 2: Find the Offer and Click "Add similar"

In the "Product catalogue" section, locate the offer from which you want to create a similar product. Click on the offer to access its details. On the right side of the page, you'll spot the "Add similar" button. Click on it.

Step 3: Fill in the "Supplier Product ID" Field 

Once you click "Add similar," you'll be redirected to a new offer form, pre-filled with information from the previous one. Now, all you need to do is fill in the "Supplier product Id" field. Remember, each "Supplier product ID" must be unique for every offer you create.

Step 4: Click "Create" and You're Done! 

After filling in the required information, click the "Create" button to generate your new product listing. That's it! Your new product has been successfully created and added to the merXu platform.


Uploading files

This method is recommended when adding more offers.

You can integrate your product catalog with merXu in several ways:

  • merXu format — you can find it by clicking here. Complete it and upload the file to the platform. If you need help, please write on:;
  • Ceneo XML/Google Merchant XML — if you have Ceneo or Google Merchant XML files, you can upload themby yourself via the form. However, if you want us to automatically update prices and contents of the catalog, please send a direct link to your XML file by email to;
  • Heureka formatHeureka is the largest price comparison engine in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, comparing millions of products from tens of thousands of e-shops. If you are a Seller and you use the “heureka channel”, we can easily implement your products on merXu;

If you have catalogs prepared in one of these formats, you can easily import data from your catalog into merXu.

Go to My MerXu > Product catalogue > Upload offers or click HERE.

Select the appropriate option to upload the file.

!merXu formats: You can read about the instructions for creating merXu formats HERE.

API merXu

In order to use the REST API, it is necessary to generate access data for the application (client_id and client_secret). This data is generated once for each integration, regardless of the number of users or queries performed.

To generate your access data, please contact

In order to use most of the functionalities it is necessary to authenticate with user data. For this purpose, it is necessary to enter a login and a password. For maximum security, we suggest generating a dedicated password for each integration:

After logging in ( the user receives two tokens:

  • accessToken — a token to be used at each subsequent request for authentication. The token is valid for 30 minutes.
  • refreshToken — a token used to generate a new accessToken.

API is available in all languages supported by merXu. To receive data in the desired language, use the accept-language header ( / Accept-Language) — eg. “Accept-language: pl-PL” or “Accept-language: pl”.

Bravo! You have made your first offers, just look how the first customers will respond ;)

Remember that you can also find them yourself, thus increasing the chance of a successful transaction.

Request for quotes watchdog

A good place to find customers is the list of public request for quotes. HERE you will find requests created by potential Buyers.

If you find an interesting query, make an offer to the Buyer.

With a feature "Request for quotes watchdog" you will never miss quote relevant for you anymore.

Whilst browsing "Request for quotes" listing you can click the button "Observe". If you do so, you will be notified about new quotes meeting your search criteria. This can be simply one selected category or specific keyword, ie. manufacturers brand or even a combination of both.


You can define multiple queries, depending on your needs.  You can easily edit these queries directly on our Request for quotes listing page.

Snímek Obrazovky 2023 04 18 V 13.45.46

Notifications about new request for quotes will be sent to your email. 

You will receive notifications regarding your chosen keyword, even if it is entered by a buyer from abroad in their native language.