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merXu Protected Payments
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Thinkpower on-grid/hibrid/off-griid-3 фазов инвертор 5KW-WIFI/AC+DC превключвател SPD/AC+DC

5ani/6ani (50 ЕВРО)/10ani (100 ЕВРО)
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+27 повече
Методи за плащане, препоръчани от merXu:
Препоръчан от merXu
merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Подсигурете плащането си до доставката. Безплатно.
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Алтернативни методи на плащане:
5ani/6ani (50 ЕВРО)/10ani (100 ЕВРО)
Одобрен от

Optimized without transformer

Texas Instruments USA components

Same control devices used by SMA

Natural cooling through the molded case aluminum alloy


·      3.Single-phase inverters have an energy limiter included - they do not need a smart meter, SPD and DC breaker included

·      Three-phase inverters have SPD and DC and AC breaker included

·      %p4 /%The network settings are from the factory, and the restart time after failures is 900s, timer visible on the display

On request, an update can be made for the period until the system is connected to the network for so that the energy produced is not recorded by the main meter - FREE - even if the exhort is limited to 0

·      They have all EU certificates including compliance certificate and tests for EN50438 %p7 /%

·      They can be found on the CEZ/Electrica/e-Distribution lists

·      5 years warranty-optional 6ani (50 EUR)/ 10ani (100 EUR)


Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) is an American

technology company headquartered in Dallas, Texas, which

designs and manufactures semiconductors and various integrated circuits, being

one of the leading 10 semiconductor companies.

Onsemi (ON Semiconductor Corporation) is an American

semiconductor supplier company, Onsemi ranked among

the top 20 companies in world.

Vishay is one of the world's leading manufacturers

of power MOSFETs.They have a wide range of

power electronic applications.

Wolfspeed, Inc. is an American

wideband semiconductor developer and manufacturer focused on

silicon carbide and gallium nitride materials and devices.The company was formerly Cree,


Infineon Technologies AG is a German

semiconductor manufacturer founded in 1999, Infineon is one of the

ten largest semiconductor manufacturers worldwide.

Dow Corning top 10 manufacturers of adhesives and

industrial adhesives.

Tamura is a world-class manufacturer of

high quality electronic products.

Nippon Chemi-Con Corporatio is a Japanese corporation

that manufactures capacitors and other discrete electronic components.

Nippon Chemi-Con was established 1931 in Japan.

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