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PV module 415 W Black Frame 30 mm SunLink

PV module 415 W Black Frame 30 mm SunLink

100,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
100,00 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
базова ціна
100,00 EUR
1 шт.
36+ шт.
90,00 EUR
1 шт.
144+ шт.
85,00 EUR
1 шт.
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Photovoltaic module SunLink 415 In Blackframe .It was built in half-cell technology using 108 monocrystalline cells z 10 bus bars.The advantage of this solution is lower energy losses due to shading and lower power losses at cell connections. SunLink solar panel 415 IN is distinguished by higher durability compared to models of similar power, which is due to the multi-rail construction, which reduces the risk of micro-cracks in the links and damage to the finger connections.The whole is enclosed in a frame made of anodized aluminum alloy, which is perfect for changing weather conditions, and made of reinforced, low-iron glass with high transmittance.Thanks to this, the panel is resistant to high mechanical loads caused by snow or wind (according to 5400 Bye and 2400 bye).25-letnia warranty on materials and workmanship and 30-letnia warranty for linear output power, will ensure failure-free and safe operation of the installation for many years.

Length wires 900 mm taken out of the junction box IP68 are terminated with a connector MC4.The module has numerous certificates: IEC 61215-1:2016, IEC % p7/% IEC 61215-2:2016, IEC 61730-1:2016, IEC 61730-2:2016.

Distinguishing features of the product:

30-years output power warranty

% p10/% 25-years warranty on materials and workmanship

High and stable efficiency up to 21,3% thanks to innovative manufacturing technology

%p18/ % Excellent performance even with low solar irradiation

Excellent shade tolerance

Resistant to high mechanical loads

The module is not subject to potentially induced degradation thanks to the use of innovative insulation technology

SunLink 415 W is perfect for customers who expect high quality and efficient modules at an affordable price.The product is suitable for both on-grid and off-grid installations.

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