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TRINA 440W Solar Panel Trina Vertex S+ PV Module TSM-440-NEG9R.28 N-Type Black Frame 440W 440 W

TRINA 440W Solar Panel Trina Vertex S+ PV Module TSM-440-NEG9R.28 N-Type Black Frame 440W 440 W

Vertex S+ TSM-NEG9R.28 425-455 Watt
  • Виробник: Trina
  • Максимальна потужність (Pmax): 440 W
  • Колір рами: чорний
  • Ефективність панелі: 22 %
  • Series: Vertex S+ TSM-NEG9R.28 425-455 Watt
Порівняти пропозицію 13
Починаючи з
0,104 EUR
/ Wp
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Час відправлення:
1 день
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Код виробника

Trina Solar is the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality photovoltaic modules and advanced energy solutions.
The company has been operating on the market for 1997 of the year.
As part of its activities, it constantly conducts research in the field of new energy products and the development of innovative technologies.
Trina Solar business includes solar project development, financing, design, construction and management, and end-to-end system integration solutions for customers.
The company has traditionally been at the forefront of solar innovation with over 1000 patents.

The company is ranked in Tier 1 by Bloomberg.

> Characteristics of the module

Monocrystalline photovoltaic module TSM-440-NEG9R.28 from the Vertex S+ series with the power of 440 W ensures excellent results and durability thanks to the use of modern n-type cell technology.
This affects the possibility of obtaining high efficiency at the level of 21,5%.
In addition, thanks to the use of n-type technology, the model has a reduced level of degradation, which translates into higher energy yield over the entire life of the module.
The module also uses multi-busbar technology, which results in a higher level of solar radiation absorption.
The module shows excellent resistance to fire and harsh weather conditions thanks to the use of double glass on both sides of the module.
Comes with a long-term 25 1-year product warranty.
The module is compatible with the most popular manufacturers of inverters, optimizers and mounting systems.
Perfect for both residential and commercial photovoltaic installations.

> Why choose this product?

• Excellent quality and very long warranty period - 25 years.
• Linear module power warranty for 30 years.Power degradation in 1 of the year <1%, subsequent years 0,4% and after 30 years power at the level of 87,4% of the original value
• High efficiency 21,5%.
• n-type i-TOPCon cell technology
• Double glass
• Multi-busbar (MBB) technology results in lower risk of micro-bursts, slower module degradation and lower losses.
• Power tolerance 0/+5 W
• Rugged design.The module shows excellent resistance to various weather conditions, including snow (5400 Pa) and wind (4000 Pa).

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