merXu Protected Payments
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Solar carport with 30 solar modules for 4 vehicle, with the possibility of installing the photovoltaic system.
Solar carport with 30 solar modules for 4 vehicle, with the possibility of installing the photovoltaic system.
Solar carport with 30 solar modules for 4 vehicle, with the possibility of installing the photovoltaic system.
Solar carport with 30 solar modules for 4 vehicle, with the possibility of installing the photovoltaic system.
Solar carport with 30 solar modules for 4 vehicle, with the possibility of installing the photovoltaic system.
Solar carport with 30 solar modules for 4 vehicle, with the possibility of installing the photovoltaic system.

Solar carport with 30 solar modules for 4 vehicle, with the possibility of installing the photovoltaic system.

4 180,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 шт.
4 180,00 EUR +ПДВ
1 ×
4 180,00 EUR +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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PV solar carport with 30 solar modules for 4 vehicle, with the possibility of installing the photovoltaic system.

Rails for the modules already attached.
Special equipment depending on customer requirements at no extra charge at a fixed price.

Funding for carports - photovoltaic roof systems in NRW Germany!!!!!

Other sizes with or without PV system possible on request.
Structural calculations also possible upon request.

Transport on request.
The price is within Germany for private customers without VAT.

The carport can also be delivered with waterproof rails on request.

We offer you turnkey assembly of your carport, PV modules and cable laying up to the fuse box, any additional foundations that may be required (assembly costs are calculated according to project planning).
Other products such as balcony power plants, inverters, solar modules, cables etc. available in stock.
Further questions at 02371 24168

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