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CRE SmartSol - 0,5 kW - with panels
CRE SmartSol - 0,5 kW - with panels
CRE SmartSol - 0,5 kW - with panels
CRE SmartSol - 0,5 kW - with panels
CRE SmartSol - 0,5 kW - with panels

CRE SmartSol - 0,5 kW - with panels

Код виробника
CRE SmartSol – 0,5 kW - panelekkel
973,51 EUR +ПДВ
380 352,00 HUF
1 шт.
973,51 EUR +ПДВ
380 352,00 HUF
1 ×
380 352,00 HUF +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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+22 більше
Час відправлення:
5 днів
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Код виробника
CRE SmartSol – 0,5 kW - panelekkel

Why should I choose this system, how is it different from a normal solar system?

CRE SmartSol has many advantages compared to a normal solar system!

  1. Thanks to the microinverter technology, the installation of the system is significantly easier: since these inverters are connected directly to the panels, there is no need for long-running DC high-voltage cabling, circuit breakers, for fuses, for separate grounding of the solar panels, and not even for a fire protection isolation switch, since the fire and contact protection tasks are performed by the microinverter itself.

  2. A system that can be assembled simply and safely in a few hours.

  3. The system can be expanded modularly, it is possible to connect several units, so the most optimal sizing is possible.

  4. Compared to normal solar systems of similar performance, the price is much more favorable, which is thanks to the microinverter technology, so you don't have to count on a lot of costs incurred so far:

    • no need for a fire protection disconnect switch,

    • there is no need to convert the electric meter,

    • there is no need for expensive permits either, because the entire Hoymiles microinverter family has been approved by the electricity supplier license, so they can be installed freely, only a simplified authorization is required.

  5. In an epoch-making way in our country, these systems can even be installed on the balcony of a condominium or a panel apartment, for which we provide the appropriate support structure, so now even those who have not been able to do so due to the lack of free roof space now have the opportunity to use solar energy.

  6. The users can continuously follow the production through the application in Hungarian.

  7. 100%-ban patented Hungarian development, which can also be applied for through the state solar panel application, and last but not least, it increases the value of the property.

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