Ground Photovoltaic Structure for 14 Panels K502MAX
Ground Photovoltaic Structure for 14 Panels K502MAX
Ground Photovoltaic Structure for 14 Panels K502MAX
Ground Photovoltaic Structure for 14 Panels K502MAX
Ground Photovoltaic Structure for 14 Panels K502MAX

Ground Photovoltaic Structure for 14 Panels K502MAX

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Designed for modules with a maximum panel height of up to 2020 mm, the ground photovoltaic structure K502MAX is an ideal solution for efficient solar energy utilization, capable of accommodating up to 14 panels. When placing an order, it is important to specify the exact dimensions of the panels, including width, thickness, and frame thickness, to ensure the fitting of clamps in the correct size and color. K502MAX is a certified modular structure, perfect for ground installation. With a magnelis coating, the structure offers long-term protection and durability. With a tilt angle of 27°, it is designed to optimize energy efficiency. The installation is simple and intuitive, performed using a demolition hammer and an additional matrix. All components are fully certified, ensuring the safety and reliability of the system.

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