GoodWe 8 kW GW8K-ET PLUS + | inverter hybrid 3-phase

GoodWe 8 kW GW8K-ET PLUS + | inverter hybrid 3-phase

ET PLUS+ Series
  • Виробник: Goodwe
  • Номінальна потужність змінного струму: 8000 W
  • Кількість MPPT: 2
  • Максимальний постійний струм: 12.5 A
  • Series: ET PLUS+ Series
Порівняти пропозицію 15
Починаючи з
753,00 EUR
1 476,85 EUR +ПДВ
6 318,00 PLN
1 шт.
1 476,85 EUR +ПДВ
6 318,00 PLN
1 ×
6 318,00 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
Пропозиція від постачальника:
Увійдіть, щоб побачити інформацію про постачальника
Країна відправлення:
Країни призначення:
+22 більше
Способи оплати:
Банківський переказ

GoodWe is a leading global manufacturer of inverters and photovoltaic energy storage systems, listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with its European headquarters in Munich.The company employs over 3000 employees in 20 different countries and has a research and development (R&D) team consisting of over 500 engineers engaged in continuous optimization and continuous development of energy storage technologies.


In Poland, GoodWe offers a wide range of photovoltaic solutions for home, commercial and farm installations, guaranteeing high efficiency and reliable quality.


In 2014 the manufacturer introduces its first hybrid inverter to the market, and already in 2020 the American consulting company Wood Mackenzie ranks GoodWe first in the ranking of the largest manufacturers of hybrid inverters with a global market share of over 15%.Over 100 thousand GoodWe inverters have already been installed in the world's largest energy storage markets such as Australia, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, UK and South Africa.GoodWe is included in the list of TOP 10 PV inverter manufacturers according to the research company IHS Markit and is the only inverter brand that has won the TÜV Rheinland  "All Quality Matters'' award for outstanding product quality for 6 consecutive years.

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