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KSTAR Blue-S 3.68 kW + 5.1 kWh hybrid system
KSTAR Blue-S 3.68 kW + 5.1 kWh hybrid system
KSTAR Blue-S 3.68 kW + 5.1 kWh hybrid system

KSTAR Blue-S 3.68 kW + 5.1 kWh hybrid system

2 648,76 EUR +ПДВ
11 330,00 PLN
1 шт.
2 648,76 EUR +ПДВ
11 330,00 PLN
1 ×
11 330,00 PLN +ПДВ
(1 шт.)
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Certainly! Here’s the translation of the text into English:

The photovoltaic hybrid system by KSTAR, with a power output of 3.68 kW and a capacity of 5.12 kWh, is one of the largest manufacturers of inverters and batteries in collaboration with CATL in the Asian market. CATL batteries can also be found in products like Tesla.

This offered system is designed for single-phase power supply. All the necessary cables for connecting the inverter and battery are included in the package. The hybrid BLUE H3-5 system features a built-in SZR, ensuring quick and trouble-free installation. Additionally, you can connect up to 3 batteries to the system, increasing the maximum capacity to 20.4 kWh.

The 3.68 kW single-phase hybrid inverter by Kstar has several significant advantages:

  1. Energy Storage: The hybrid inverter allows you to store excess energy generated by photovoltaic panels during the day. This means that when energy production exceeds consumption, you can store the surplus for later use.

  2. Night Tariff Charging: The hybrid inverter enables charging the energy storage during off-peak hours when the tariff is lower. This allows for more efficient energy management.

  3. Emergency Power Supply: You can allocate a separate emergency power circuit from the energy storage, which will operate independently in case of a grid outage. Ensuring continuous power supply during emergencies is crucial.

  4. Improved Energy Quality: The hybrid inverter can stabilize the voltage in your network, positively impacting the quality of delivered energy.

It’s worth noting that single-phase inverters up to 3.68 kW are more cost-effective than three-phase inverters. For installations with a power capacity lower than 3.68 kW, opting for a single-phase inverter is advantageous.

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