FuturaSun FU245M SILK PRO (ORANGE) photovoltaic module
FuturaSun FU245M SILK PRO (ORANGE) photovoltaic module
FuturaSun FU245M SILK PRO (ORANGE) photovoltaic module
FuturaSun FU245M SILK PRO (ORANGE) photovoltaic module
FuturaSun FU245M SILK PRO (ORANGE) photovoltaic module

FuturaSun FU245M SILK PRO (ORANGE) photovoltaic module

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SILK® Pro Color is the latest range of color photovoltaic modules from FuturaSun.SILK® Pro Orange photovoltaic modules allow the photovoltaic system to blend into a red brick and terracotta roof.


SILK® Pro Orange is a high-performance monocrystalline module with 120 PERC, half-cut multi-rails.

Brick red glass (RAL 8023)) and color coordinated frame make these solar modules ideal for renovating historic buildings in urban and landscaped environments.

Features of FuturaSun's new orange PV modules:

          Orange glass and frame (RAL 8023) for special architectural requirements

           Module 120 PERC cells 166 mm with 9 busbars

·         Power from 240 to %p17 / % In % P18/ % P19/ % · Less shades and more reflected light to the cell thanks to the round ribbon % P20/ % P21/ % · Half cut design in combination with many collective rails reduces working current and internal resistance % P22/ %

·         NEW: Product Liability Insurance at


These orange solar panels are ideal for: %p30/ %

                                                                      A                                                                                                       . high aesthetic values ​​

·           Photovoltaic facades with innovative compositions



% p48/% Color Code RAL SILK® Pro Orange

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